LA Accident Attorney
UM/UIM Uninsured Motorist/ Underinsured Motorist

Best Car Accident Attorney
UM/UIM Attorney Jerry Kaufman
When you have been injured in a car accident by a person with no insurance or insufficient insurance you may be able to do an uninsured motorist claim or an underinsured motorist claim, depending on your coverage limits. These are very strong cases that usually settle for high amounts.
Some people are afraid to use their Uninsured Motorist coverage for fear of their rates going higher. That doesn’t make sense. In general, your rates go up when you are at fault. So, if you are not at fault and our uninsured motorist attorney advises you to pursue your case, go for it. Also, why purchase UM coverage if you plan to not use it when the need arises?
UM cases often result in higher settlements than third party cases (cases against another party’s insurance company) because under the law an insurance company is required to act in good faith when dealing with their own customer but does not have to act in good faith when dealing with a third party. As Mr. Kaufman has done so many UM and UIM cases over the years the difference is very apparent.
One big advantage of UM/UIM over a third party case, is your case will be resolved by arbitration if it is not settled. Mr. Kaufman has done many of these arbitrations with great success. They are faster and less expensive that a jury trial.