Our office represented a client who lived with her adult daughter. Both of them owned acar. Both had auto insurance but had auto insurance with different companies.One day, the mother borrowed her daughter’s car. That day, she got into an accident.The person at fault for the accident was uninsured. The daughter’s auto insurancecovered the accident, …

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What is the difference between a motorcycle accident and a car accident?

The most significant difference between a motorcycle accident and a car accident is thelevel of injury. Injuries are more common in motorcycle accidents and more severe.Over the last forty years, our law office has handled many motorcycle accidentsinvolving severe injury and death.Concussions or other brain injuries can happen in motorcycle accidents. Sometimes,our clients aren’t even …

What is the difference between a motorcycle accident and a car accident? Read More »

Auto Accident Tips: Auto Accident claims against the Government

If you or your client is involved in an auto accident with a governmententity or government employee, the process differs from a regular autoaccident case. An example would be a Department of Water and Powervehicle rear-ending your client’s car.There are two statute of limitations periods you must be aware of. First,you must file a government …

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